13 More Times The Simpsons Predicted The Future


It’s been over three decades since The Simpsons first premieres on Fox back in 1989. Since then, over literally dozens of seasons of TV, there is one particular topic that seems to pop up time and again. Does this show actually predict the future? After all, there are so many events that happen in the show, only to happen years later in the real world.

Realistically, no, The Simpsons does not predict the future. Still, the writers are very good at picking and choosing events that end up actually occurring down the road. With 700 episodes under its belt, though, this series has a rather surprising batting average when it comes to predicting the future, though.

We’ve already gone through 10 times the series predicted the past previously. That’s simply not enough, though–especially since it keeps happening. Heck, even Tom hanks is involved in the phenomena now. So follow along as we look at 13 more times The Simpsons predicted the future.

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