7 great Wordle word game alternatives


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Wordle sure has taken the world by storm, right? This simple – but awfully addictive – word game has captured the hearts and minds of the internet ever since creator Josh Wardle birthed it onto the web. It’s one of those surprise hits we see pop up every now and again, echoing the popularity of small projects like Flappy Bird, and making a similarly humongous impact.

But what if you feel like mixing it up a little? What if those solitary boxes just don’t get you excited anymore? Well, turns out you have plenty of options when it comes to finding a fresh twist on the Wordle formula. To help you find your latest fix, we’ve compiled seven of our favourite Wordle spinoffs that may just be your next daily fixation.

Got a hankering for some geography? Does the idea of confusing Austria and Australia make you squirm? Then Worldle is the spinoff for you. As excellently summarised by Graham Smith on our sister site RockPaperShotgun, Worldle drags us away from the safety of grammar and the cheeky dictionary tab you swear you won’t glance at and challenges us to identify countries through their silhouettes.

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