OlliOlli World review – a candy-coated dream



Logfolk Graveyard is where it happened. There should be a plaque really. In a game where time can become a bright fizzing blur, I somehow remember the exact moment. I had been zooming through OlliOlli World until that point – always cheery, sometimes doing well, sometimes just scraping it. But then Logfolk Graveyard came along with the optional challenge: Advance trick through a Ghost.

I bloody love ghosts. All levels here have optional challenges, but that ghost! I realised I definitely wanted to trick through it, to advance-trick through it even! So I had to do what I so rarely choose to do in games. I had to do something that, in a game with the sheer headlong pelt of OlliOlli World, seems like breaking an underlying law. I had to go back. Back to the tutorial I had sped through hours before and forgotten, back to the heart of the advance tricks system to gain a proper understanding of these beautiful, terrible things. Back so I could get them down.

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