Rainbow Six Extraction Review In the Shadow of a Giant | GamingBolt


GamingBolt writes: Rainbow Six Extraction suffers from a deep case of little brother syndrome. As an addition to the classic franchise, it stands as a lower-priced, glorified expansion pack to the uber-popular and widely admired Rainbow Six Siege, with a selection of Sieges operators and a hefty chunk of its mechanics. As a shooter, its a mixed bag of repetitive missions and flawed progression whose best features are frequently the ones adopted directly from its predecessor. As an independent project, what new ideas it has, namely its tactical PvE missions and MIA operator status, feel destined to get buried underneath the weight of larger, more ambitious projects. Its not a bad game. In fact, it puts together a solid foundation for the stars to align on a perfectly satisfying, even highly enjoyable run. But with every passing level and each new turn at an old mission, I couldnt escape the thought that its best concepts would be better served in a game that pushed itself a li…

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