After almost ten years, Battle Cry of Freedom finally has a release date

Many game developers have a fascinating fixation on recreating brutal wars throughout history for our entertainment. This tradition continues with Battle Cry of Freedom, a multiplayer simulation game that depicts the events of the American Civil War. This particular project stands out in terms of its development history, as developer Flying Squirrel Entertainment has worked for nearly a decade to bring its vision of America’s bloodiest war to life. But now, the developers have finally revealed a March 1 release date for Battle Cry of Freedom. Players will soon get a chance to experience the fruits of all that labor. Some may understandably wonder why Battle Cry for Freedom spent so much time in the oven, but the reasons become clear after a bit of research. Not only does it feature accurate depictions of weapons, soldier uniforms, and other bits of 19th-century iconography, but it also allows upwards of 500 players to fight with and against each other in a single match. …