Ahri’s Rework a Hit, Soaring Her Playrate and Winrate


Ahri’s rework in League of Legends Season 12 was met with a bit of skepticism from the game’s community but the dust has settled, and it has proven to be a massive success. From being a mage assassin, everyone’s favorite Vastaya is now turned into a high mobility character who is extremely fun to play. Her playrate and winrate have simultaneously increased over the past few weeks, and she is solidifying her place in the meta.

Ahri’s rework has proven to be a massive success

Ahri has always been one of the most recognizable characters in League of Legends but she fell off the meta over time. While the champion continued to have her loyalists, she was unable to keep up with more recent champion releases.

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Ahri Season 12 Stats

According to Lolalytics, Ahri’s pickrate has crossed the 14% mark in this patch which is a huge step up from her previous pickrate of 5% prior to her buffs. Her winrate has also spiked up with a 51.97% overall winrate which is noticeably higher at 54% in higher ranks.

She has also made regular appearances in League of Legends esports events since patch 12.3 came out with her rework. The mid lane combat felt slow with Ahri due to her lack of mobility. She offers a lot more sustain now and has the mobility needed to engage and disengage in fights. However, a part of the community is still unhappy with the changes.

Prior to patch 12.3, she was capable of using a one-combo burst to shut down legends. But that is not possible with the new patch. In the Ahri 12.3 megathread on Reddit, many players pointed out that they wanted more damage and at the cost of safety. But Riot turned her into a high-sustain character.

Ahri mains will have to come to terms with the change and we can’t wait to see how Ahri impacts the competitive season of League of Legends. She is getting dangerously close to the 55% winrate mark and crossing that line means that Riot Games just might tone down some of the changes she recently received.

Also Read: League of Legends Patch 12.3: Ahri Rework, Zeri Nerf, and Other Big Changes

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