All Ditto Disguises in Pokemon GO for February 2022

February has rolled around and, as is always the case, there is a ton of new content in Pokemon GO.
There is the usual array of events, spotlight hours, research tasks and most importantly this month, the Johto Tour, which follows on from last year’s Kanto Tour.
However, while some players are looking to get stuck into these new events and catch some brand new Pokemon, others are looking to complete a slightly more difficult task – catch a Ditto.
So, to help you out with that, here are all of the different Ditto Disguises in Pokemon GO for February 2022.
All Ditto Disguises in Pokemon GO for February 2022
We’re now into the third month of the Season of Heritage and, while some may expect the Ditto Disguises to change in February 2022, they haven’t.
That means players should click on all of the below Pokemon as much as possible in order to try and find themselves a Ditto.
- Drowzee
- Dwebble
- Foongus
- Gastly
- Gulpin
- Numel
- Remoraid
- Stunky
- Teddiursa
Should any new discoveries be made, we’ll be sure to update this post straight away.
Will Shiny Ditto Be Available?
The rules around shiny Pokemon and Ditto are a little confusing but yes, shiny Ditto will be available amongst the disguises in February 2022.
Any Pokemon that Ditto can be disguised as, shiny or not, can turn into a shiny Ditto. Unfortunately, not enough data has been gathered yet to find out what the odds are.
However, it should be noted that if one of the Pokemon in the above list appears shiny to you, it won’t then turn into a Ditto, giving you the chance to capture that shiny Pokemon.
The post All Ditto Disguises in Pokemon GO for February 2022 by Sam Woods appeared first on DualShockers.