AMD and Nvidia graphics cards are getting cheaper due to increased availability


nvidia amd graphics card prices availability stock 2022The graphics card market has been ridiculous for a long time now. Ever since the global pandemic started affecting production and shipping, it’s been really hard for anyone to get their hands on a graphics card without giving in to high prices. For those that have resisted in hope of finding something even close to MSRP, availability has been near non-existent. While we aren’t anywhere close to being out of the woods yet, it does seem the situation is finally improving somewhat. As it would have it, the slowly improving availability of Nvidia and AMD graphics cards is at last driving down prices. 3D Center released its latest findings for graphics card pricing over the last year in Austrian and German markets. Simply put, the results show that the pricing for both AMD and Nvidia’s graphics cards has started to become cheaper since January 2021. This isn’t to say that graphics cards are getting cheap though, as they’re still above MSRP by quite large mar…

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