Apex Legends Defiance gameplay trailer shows of Control, Mad Maggie, and a ruined Olympus


Another week, another Apex Legends trailer! That’s right, a short but sweet gameplay trailer for the upcoming Defiance update has just dropped showcasing the myriad new additions and changes coming to the popular battle royale later this month.

This trailer comes close behind a series of cinematic trailers showcasing the narrative set up to the season, and goes a long way in fleshing out what the actual gameplay implications of the season will be. You can watch the trailer yourself linked below:

First things first – Control! This limited-time game mode is set to drop alongside season 12 and puts two teams of nine against each other as they fight over three objective markers spread across the map. From the gameplay trailer, it appears to be your typical King of the Hill game mode, although it does come alongside infinite revives and an in-game ranking system that appears to upgrade your weapons as you score more points.

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