Apex Legends – Mad Maggie’s Passives and Abilities Detailed in New Trailer


Apex Legends’ next Season, Defiance, goes live on February 8th and brings the new 9v9 limited-time mode Control along with a brand new Legend in Mad Maggie. After being sentenced to death in the Apex Games, Maggie takes the fight to her foes in all kinds of ways. First up is her passive, Warlord’s Ire, which temporarily highlights any enemies that she damages.

It also provides increased movement speed when Maggie is carrying a shotgun, making it that much easier to hose down fleeing enemies. When dealing with enemies hiding in Gibraltar’s shield dome, the Riot Drill comes in handy. It attaches to an obstacle and burns anything on the other side.

Finally, there’s her Ultimate, Wrecking Ball. It’s a bouncing, rolling ball that unleashes speed-boosting pads for players that walk over it while also detonating near enemies. For more details and gameplay of Apex Legends: Season 12 – Defiance, head here. Stay tuned for more details when it goes live next week.

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