Apex Legends: Season 12 – Defiance Trailer Showcases Control, Mad Maggie, and Sabotaged Olympus


Respawn Entertainment is gearing up for Apex Legends: Season 12, dubbed Defiance after Mad Maggie joins the Apex Games. Along with fighting it out in a sabotaged version of Olympus, players can also partake in the new 9v9 limited time mode Control. Check it out below.

Control sees two teams battling it out to occupy three key points on the map (much like Hardpoint in Call of Duty). Control the points, accrue points and fight off your opponents in the process. The mode offers respawns for slain players to get back into the action quickly. As for Mad Maggie, her abilities are briefly showcased, from a device that fires through cover with flames with a bouncing bomb that unleashes smaller cluster bombs.

Olympus has also changed with several buildings being teleported into a different locations, rearranging the structure of the map. Along with all of this is a new Battle Pass, the three year anniversary celebration of the shooter (which confers free rewards) and the 3rd Anniversary Collection Event which offers several new skins. Season 12: Defiance begins on February 8th – stay tuned for more details in the coming week.

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