Apex Legends Season 12 Patch Notes Detail Crypto Buff And The Return Of Hammerpoint Rounds


Apex Legends Season 12: Defiance drops tomorrow and Respawn Entertainment has released the full patch notes, detailing a buff for Crypto, a slight nerf for Caustic, and changes for both Olympus and Storm Point. The patch notes also detail two weapons being moved exclusively to the crafting station, as well as changes to the PvE elements of Storm Point.

The Season 12: Defiance patch notes provide a look at some of the biggest changes coming in the new season. While things like Mad Maggie’s kit and the new LTM Control had already been revealed, some of the finer details are new. Olympus is getting an update with Season 12, with the map being expanded to try and get fire fights out of the center of the map. Storm Point, which was introduced last season, is having its Prowlers changed. The Prowlers will now do reduced damage to legends while providing more crafting materials for clearing out a nest.

The ranked system is getting tweaked with Season 12, lowering the amount of Ranked Points earned for getting the maximum number of kills, while increasing the amount of RP earned for reaching the top five. Crypto is getting a buff, allowing him to throw his drone in a straight line. The drone will now immediately begin scanning for enemies instead of forcing Crypto to pilot it immediately. If the thrown drone hits a wall or another obstacle, it will ricochet and turn around. The Neurolink detection FOV has been increased as well, so a wider range of enemies can be detected.

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