Assassin’s Creed Valhalla is having a free trial next week

We’re heading into a busy few weeks for Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, with its massive Dawn of Ragnarök expansion set to arrive on 10th March. But ahead of its release, those yet to hop aboard the viking-shaped juggernaut will have the opportunity to do so as part of a free weekend for the title, starting next Thursday, 24th February.
Before that, though, there’s the probably not insignificant matter of Valhalla’s 1.5.0 update, which arrives on Tuesday, 22nd February. Ubisoft hasn’t talked about this one much, but it’ll pave the way for Dawn of Ragnarök in some capacity, with the thumbnail tease in the publisher’s newly released roadmap infographic suggesting it may even bring lava to the current map as a bit of a mythological tease.