Back 4 Blood’s February update adds Stay Together option, balances for cards and weapons


Back 4 Blood February Update Balance Stay Together Cards WeaponsTurtle Rock Studios’ Back 4 Blood certainly didn’t launch without its share of issues. However, since its release last October, the developer has been steadily delivering updates addressing the concerns brought by players. In December, the game got a solo offline mode for its campaign. The game has also seen a host of balance changes. Even though we’re four months in, Turtle Rock isn’t quite done. In the February update, Back 4 Blood is getting a ‘Stay Together’ option for parties, as well as more balance changes for cards and weapons. And there’s plenty more. Indeed, the February update for Back 4 Blood isn’t skimpy. The list of changes in the patch notes is impressively lengthy. Among the most important, the Stay Together option should come welcome. It’ll allow players to vote to, well, stay together once a run is finished. That way, you’ll be able to continue playing with friends, as opposed to breaking up the band over …

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