Behemoth CTF mode removed from Halo Infinite because it was ‘not performing in ranked as intended’


Halo Infinite behemoth ctf ranked removedThe latest Halo continues to see some troubles regarding its multiplayer mode. Not only has Big Team Battle been busted since December, a recent hotfix didn’t do enough in the ways of repair. Earlier today, developer 343 Industries announced that another change is coming. The ranked CTF mode on the map Behemoth has been removed from Halo Infinite due to it “not performing in ranked as intended.” For those wondering, the Behemoth map is the one in the desert with two bases facing each other. It’s generally used for Team Slayer and Capture the Flag. It includes wide-open areas, perfect for those who go after the sniper rifle spawns on the sides of the map. Behemoth is also large enough to include vehicles such as the Banshee and Ghost. But it is the maps open-ended design that is the crux of the issues.   According to 343, Behemoth doesn’t mesh well with ranked CTF, which is why the map and mode combo got removed from Halo Infinite today. The use of …

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