Best Duct Tape Combos in Enter the Gungeon

los mejores combos de cinta adhesiva en enter the gungeon

Before entering a boss room in Dodge Roll’s Enter the Gungeon, I often have a hard time choosing one weapon over the other to take on the boss.

After all, the wrong choice could end my career.

But what if you didn’t have to choose?

Duct Tape is an A-quality single-use active item that combines two pistols, giving one the other’s projectiles in addition to their own.

There are too many weapons in Enter the Gungeon to memorize which combos work and which ones don’t… but you can learn some solid duct tape principles by taking a look at our favorite combinations in this ranking.

10. Mega Sprinkler + Moon Scraper 10 etg mega douser and moonscraper

One of the best uses of Duct Tape is to take two mediocre guns and combine them to make a better one.

The Mega Douser + Moonscraper combo is one of the most exclusive.

Even glued together, these two beam weapons don’t add up to much in terms of damage, but their combined knockback takes out enemies in an instant.

This is great for keeping Gundead at bay, giving you more room to dodge their shots.

I’m sure if you add up the damage done by pushing enemies into pits, the DPS would rival some of the strongest weapons in the game.

9. Face Melter + Weapon Crown 09 etg face melter and crown of guns

Guns that shoot in all directions are powerful, and Duct Tape can take your power fantasy to the next level.

Stick the Face Melter and Crown of Guns together and it will cover the screen with bullets like a Touhou boss.

The Face Melter retains its ability to mount an amplifying turret that fires in four directions, just like the gun.

Additionally, these turrets will also fire the Crown’s bullets, making them absolutely overpowered.

It’s a bit chaotic but very eye-catching, and very useful for clearing rooms.

8. Sniper Rifle + Hexagun 08 etg sniper rifle

Everyone loves the “one shot, one kill” rhythm that some weapons (like the sniper rifle ) can give you on the first few floors.

Duct tape can help keep the groove in place much longer.

Just take two powerful semi-automatic weapons like the sniper rifle and the Hexagun and join their shots to create a stronger one.

It’s technically “two shots, one kill,” but you only pull the trigger once, which makes it just as enjoyable.

And the Hexagun brings a nice little extra to the table:

Turn one in five enemies into a chicken.

You can guess what happens when a chicken is hit by a sniper shot.

7. Vulcan Cannon + Left Robot Hand 07 etg vulcan cannon and robots left hand

Another excellent example of how pairing two similar weapons can produce remarkable results is the Vulcan Cannon + Robot’s Left-Hand combo.

The Vulcan Cannon’s blistering fire rate of 20 rounds per second is hard to match, but the robot’s left-hand holds up to a respectable 10.

Unlike the Vulcan Cannon, the Robot’s Left Hand has to recharge, but the time is greatly reduced after being taped together. Just remember to do it manually!

The DPS you can achieve with this storm of bullets and blue lasers is out of this world. 6. Demon Head + Stinger 06 etg demon head and stinger

Beam weapons are special to tape because they don’t have a reload time.

As such, they can reduce the reload time of some of the slower weapons in the game.

A good example is the Demon Head + Stinger combo.

With it, you can fire missile after missile before the first one hits.

It can gobble up your ammo, but it will save you a lot of time and trouble against bosses and fluffy enemies with bullets.

This will also work with other devastating but slow-reloading weapons like the Particulator or Makeshift Cannon.

5. Hero + Mega Hand 05 etg heroine and mega hand

Charge weapons like the Hero and Mega Hand can take down most enemies in the Dungeon, and if you tape them together, the number of survivors is significantly reduced.

You’ll still need to charge them up, but having double the firepower can really make a difference.

It’s also a bomb against bosses, helping you take them down in half your usual time.

This Duct Tape combo pays homage to the two greatest blaster-wielding icons of 2D gaming: Samus Aran and Mega Man. It can inspire you to get through tough times in the Dungeon.

4. Plunger + Makeshift Cannon 04 etg plunger and makeshift canon

If you ever find yourself with Duct Tape and a plunger in your possession, consider waiting for a strong low-ammo weapon like the Makeshift Cannon.

The plunger may not be the most powerful weapon. But he has the power to replenish all his ammunition by standing on a poisonous sticky substance.

This boon transfers to any weapon you duct tape on.

Since the plunger actually spills a large amount of poison onto the ground with each shot, it’s easy to replenish bullets, giving you virtually endless ammunition in the makeshift cannon.

Also, poisoning enemies is always nice bonus damage.

3. Gungine + Mourning Star 03 etg gungine and mourning star

A similar but improved effect can be achieved with the Gungine, which can be recharged for free whenever standing on any fluid or fire, making it immune to it.

While you can use this with Makeshift Cannon to great effect, the perfect combination is Mourning Star.

This gun summons a laser from space wherever you point it.

Now attached to the Gungine, you can target it while showering your enemies with lead with this Tier S Bullet Hose.

What makes it such a great combo is how the laser leaves a trail of fire, allowing the player to take full advantage of the Gungine’s fire immunity and reload effects.

This combo makes most bosses trivial.

2. Battle Saber + Yari Launcher 02 etg fightsabre and yari launcher

Another match made in heaven is Fightsabre + Yari Launcher, which takes advantage of the former’s bullet-reflecting to reload animation and the latter’s massive damage potential.

What makes these two a perfect fit is their similar clip size.

Also, you’ll be reloading quite often to deflect bullets, which helps the Yari Launcher keep throwing missiles non-stop.

Of course, the additional damage from the Fightsabre’s own shots should not be underestimated.

This combo really gives you the best defense and attack.

Wielding it is a fantasy of total power.

1. Duct Tape + Whatever is in your inventory right now 01 etg compressed air tank and bait launcher

Ultimately, the best Gungeon Duct Tape combo is the one you actually do and get value for.

I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve got the duct tape, only to die while waiting for the perfect match, whereas duct taping two of my less-than-ideal weapons would have meant surviving.

Unless you’re at the highest skill levels, breaking speed records, and doing damage-free runs, don’t miss out on the game for the long haul and die with unused resources.

Survival is more important than perfection.

Folks, these are just guns that are taped together.

They are all cool as hell!

The post Best Duct Tape Combos in Enter the Gungeon appeared first on Game Times24.

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