Best Minecraft & Among Us Printable Valentine Cards


Survival games Minecraft

Valentine’s Day is just a few hours away and many gamers would be wanting to give a themed gift to their partner.

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For people who have left things to the last moment, a card is probably the best gift. If you are looking for Minecraft and Among Us Valentine Cards, we have got you covered.

Tentacular | Reveal Trailer

Tentacular | Reveal Trailer

Best Minecraft & Among Us Printable Valentine Cards

First, let’s talk about Minecraft. There are a few Minecraft designs that are pretty good, and we have the best one listed below for you. This card can be made completely at home provided you have the necessary items for it, which is quite basic, to begin with. Make sure you have a good color printer to print the cards.

As seen in the picture above, this is what you will be getting if you are able to make the entire card properly. There is a place to put chocolate in the card as well, so it serves two purposes. This card has been made by Overthebigmoon, and you can head on to their website to find the related picture to make this card. Once you have the pictures ready, you need to make sure you have cardstock and a printer to take the printouts. Cut the bar wrappers, wrap the chocolates around them and you are ready to go!

Among Us cards for Valentines Day

For Among Us, there is no 3D card but you get multiple options to choose from. These multiple designs are perfect for people who are looking for more options, so you can choose anyone according to your need. The Among Us card will require much less craftwork than the Minecraft one, so if you are looking to get something done quickly, this one is for you. You can find the pdf for the image as well as the complete directions on the Honey and Lime website.

The post Best Minecraft & Among Us Printable Valentine Cards by Md Armughanuddin appeared first on DualShockers.

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