Beyond Good and Evil 2 Still Exists, Confirms Report

A new report has confirmed that Ubisoft is still very much in the process of working on Beyond Good and Evil 2. All the way back in 2017, Ubisoft announced that it was in the process of working on the long-awaited sequel to Beyond Good and Evil by revealing a new trailer. Since that time, the company has continued to periodically update fans on the status of the project via various live streams. In more recent years, though, news on Beyond Good and Evil 2 has started to disappear entirely, leading some to believe that the title would end up getting canceled. Luckily, for those that are still holding out hope to one day play the game, that doesn’t seem to be the case just yet. In a new report from Bloomberg today, it was stated that Ubisoft is still very much in the process of working on Beyond Good and Evil 2. Specifically, it was stated that the title is still in the pre-production phase, which is where it has remained for the past five years. For those unfamiliar with what this means, essentially, it tells us that the full scope and ideas that will be implemented in Beyond Good and Evil 2 are still being figured out internally. Once the vision of the project is settled on, those within Ubisoft will then move to make that vision a reality by bringing the game to full production. Much of why Beyond Good and Evil 2 could be stuck in this pre-production phase could be attributed to the absence of Michel Ancel, who was the former director of the title. Ancel left Ubisoft in late 2020 which led to a lot of questions about the status of Beyond Good and Evil 2 moving forward. Even if Beyond Good and Evil 2 is still in development at this moment, it seems quite likely that the project could eventually end up getting scrapped. Whether or not this cancellation might come about in the near future remains to be seen, but for now, it sounds like Ubisoft still hasn’t given up on making this sequel see the light of day.