Bloodborne PSX “Demake” Is Now Available To Play For Free On PC

After seven years, Bloodborne is finally available on PC… kind of. While it might not be the version of the game you were expecting to see pop up following other PlayStation exclusives making their way on to player’s desktops, a fan-made “demake” of the grim and grueling PlayStation exclusive is now available to download–and it looks like a lot of fun.
Developed by Lilith Walther, Bloodborne PSX reimagines Bloodborne as a PlayStation classic–CRT TV grain and all. Perhaps unsurprisingly, this reconstruction works extremely well aesthetically, granting the 2015 horror game all the same grit and gravitas of the earliest Resident Evil or Silent Hill entries.
Based on the game’s description and launch trailer, it seems like Bloodborne PSX is intended to be an extremely faithful adaptation of the original game. Players are encouraged to try out the game’s “10 unique hunter weapons” and use the “Strategic Action Combat system” to vanquish foes with style, all while collecting key items and attempting to “survive the night.”