Blue Box Game Studios YouTube Hacked, Warns Users Of False Pre-Order Emails


Abandoned developer Blue Box Game Studios has revealed that it has had its YouTube account hacked, and that some users have been receiving emails falsely claiming they can now pre-order the game.

As such, the studio has warned users not to open these emails or transfer any funds, as they are not legitimate and have nothing to do with Blue Box Game Studios.

Be aware: The BLUE BOX Game Studios YouTube channel was hacked. We have received emails from various people that they received emails to buy a ”Pre-order”, please DO NOT open it and DO NOT transfer funds as it is not from us!

— BLUE BOX Game Studios (@BBGameStudios) January 30, 2022

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Abandoned is currently in development for the PS5 and is still without a release date. Ever since its announcement, the game has been plagued by online speculation that it’s a new project related to Hideo Kojima, similar to how he attempted to fool users with Moby Dick Studios during development of Metal Gear Solid 5.

Blue Box Game Studios has continually denied these reports, and has spoke on the negative impact they’ve had on the company.

The studio has revealed that the Abandoned Prologue Chapter is scheduled for release in early 2022.

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