Breakout: Recharged — Is it worth it?


Breakout Recharged Worth It 1When it comes to pulling together some quick cash, there’s worse ways than pumping out revised versions of classics. Hot on the heels of other Atari games, Breakout: Recharged is coming at you fast for just $9.99 USD. Brick breaker games are some of my favorites, so it’s always nice to get a new one. If you’re fond of the genre, this package can certainly offer you some enjoyment, as it delivers on the classic gameplay that’s endured for decades. But the question stands: is Breakout: Recharged worth it, or should you be looking at other brick breakers? Of course, Breakout was the original brick breaker. Designed by Apple’s co-founder, Steve Wozniak, it dates back to 1976. Breakout: Recharged is the most recent game to receive Atari’s attention. As it is, it’s pretty barebones. But it’s also Breakout, so that’s not too surprising. The game comes with arcade modes and a set of challenges, which will easily net you a few hours of pl…

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