Call of Duty: Vanguard update tweaks weapons and fixes bundle bugs

If you have played Call of Duty: Vanguard lately, you have more than likely come across some gameplay issues. Activision recently shared a statement which promises to fix the game, as well as Warzone Pacific and Modern Warfare 2019. Since then, the developers have been keeping to their promise by deploying numerous patches. Just three days after a patch which fixes bugs in the campaign, another has arrived. The latest Vanguard update continues to fix bugs in multiplayer including to weapons and bundles. The first adjustment has been made to the Panzerfaust rocket launcher. The weapon has been buffed to make it more effective against enemy Spy Planes and Counter Spy Planes. Also, splash damage kills will now count towards longshots which should help you out if you are unlocking camos. A bug tied to the Welgun submachine gun which caused two attachments to over perform has been fixed. Despite this, the Welgun is still a strong contender in Vanguard multiplayer modes. More Vangu…