Cities: Skylines – Airports Expansion — Is it worth it?


Cities Skylines Airport Expansion Pc Lm Dagraca Airport 6Air transport is nothing truly new to the Cities experience. But, now several years since the city building simulator launched, Colossal Order has decided to revisit this major transportation system to give it a full-on revamp with the Cities: Skylines – Airports expansion. With Airports, virtual city planners can now fully integrate the system into their city’s overall transportation network with a deeper level of flexibility and customization. This is similar to how last year’s Sunset Harbor expansion amplified the depth and complexity of many of the sim’s core transportation systems. But, the question is: does this more complex experience justify the added time and effort?   Naturally, those who are interested in picking up this expansion must have already had a deep desire for aviation, thus moving them to want to flesh out the way airports worked in Cities. That’s because you really have to put in the effort to get these more advanced playsets…

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