Could Hogwarts Legacy Come Out This September?


With barely any updates, fans were convinced that Hogwarts Legacy wasn’t going to come out anytime soon. Thanks to WB though, we know that it’s set for a 2022 release, and we may have just gotten a leak for its release window.

Could Hogwarts Legacy Come Out This September?

As per insider @accngt, Hogwarts Legacy could come out this September 2022 with a reveal incoming this February or March. Here’s the post:

On Hogwarts Legacy because some people have asked about that, expect a September release, next trailer based on skills / abilities in February / March (PlayStation event in any case)

— AccountNGT (@accngt) January 29, 2022

If anything, fans are expecting a reveal for Hogwarts Legacy this Feb. 2 for Sony’s State of Play. If we don’t get anything by then, I guess we’ll have to wait until next month—maybe it could even come with another promo for the next Wizarding World entry, Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore.

As for Hogwarts Legacy, the game promises to bring players into the shoes of a Hogwarts student in the 1800s. While the conflict with Voldemort is a century away, dark wizards have been a tale as old as time, and you get to battle this eras version of wizard Nazis.

Some speculate that the villain of the game could be Loxias, a previous wielder of the Elder Wand, but seeing as Voldemort and Grindelwald gave already possessed it, it would be great if we can have another villain that isn’t tied to this particularly coveted Deathly Hallow.

Experience a new story set at Hogwarts in the 1800s. Your character is a student who holds the key to an ancient secret that threatens to tear the wizarding world apart. Make allies, battle Dark wizards and decide the fate of the wizarding world.

No official release date has been set for Hogwarts Legacy, but the game is expected to be available for PS4|PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC later this year.

(Source: GamingBolt)

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