Crusader Kings III: Royal Court review — Artificial artifact amazement


Crusader Kings 3 Crusader Kings Iii Royal Court ReviewCrusader Kings III: Royal Court, the first major expansion for Paradox Interactive’s Medieval Era grand strategy game releases today. It’s got a slew of features for you to try out, most notably the search for artifacts and decorating your keep. Likewise, you’ll get to try an overhauled culture system to make campaigns more dynamic. Truth be told, the expansion did amaze me when I had just started my run. Unfortunately, it’s also bogged down by a rather tiresome system that becomes forgettable as you go along.   Decorating your castle keep and assigning court positions Following the concept of grand strategy combined with RPG mechanics, Crusader Kings III: Royal Court gives you a titular royal court, a keep that you can adorn with various trappings. By finding various artifacts, your character (if they hold a kingdom or empire title and they’re part of the feudal or clan system) can increase the level of grandeur. Along the way, you’ll obtain…

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