Crystalline Aura Lost Ark giveaway and how to claim benefits


Lost Ark early access

The Lost Ark Crystalline Aura giveaway has been confirmed. Here’s how to claim your added benefits.

The Lost Ark release time has been delayed for several hours due to technical issues behind the scenes.

The good news is that while the wait is now ending for those who want to play the F2P version of the game, the development team hasn’t forgotten about its fans.

They have confirmed today as part of a new update that they will be adding bonuses to the game to make up for the delay currently affecting servers.

Lost Ark | Launch Reveal Trailer

Lost Ark | Launch Reveal Trailer

Crystalline Aura Giveaway

For those who might not have started playing yet, Crystalline Aura is a subscription that provides bonuses to those who can afford to activate it. The Auro costs 420 blue crystals and can be found on the main store tab, along with the list of rewards it comes with.

This includes features like free access to the fast travel system called Triport, as well as discounts on the Ocean Liner fee. Gamers who sign up to the Aura can also expect lower cooldown rates, higher slot capacity and less time crafting certain items. Smilegate has confirmed that they will have 72-hours of Aura access to each player. And it’s straightforward to be added to this group.

You will just need to log in to Lost Ark by 5 pm GMT on February 13 to ensure you get access to everything offered. A message from the team adds: “We appreciate everyone’s patience. Our team is continuing to work on resolving these issues. We will be adding three days of Crystalline Aura to all players who log in to the game between launch and 9 am PT / 5 pm UTC on February 13 as a small thank you for your support and understanding.”

The latest message from the Lost Ark is that the game servers should be coming back online and that free-to-play access should begin shortly. The new launch timing has been set as 2:15 pm PT / 10:15 pm UTC, although delays due to server queues are still possible.

The post Crystalline Aura Lost Ark giveaway and how to claim benefits by Gary Jones appeared first on DualShockers.

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