Cyberpunk 2077 Mods gameplay Update Jan 23rd 2022 – New Survival Mode


CG writes: We take another look at the Cyberpunk 2077 mods gameplay with various additions which improve or change the looks of the game. In these latest two videos we play with the Living in Night City mod which adds survival elements to the core gameplay. This means having to replenish stamina, hunger and fatigue levels with all the junk items you can amass whilst playing. It also means you have to go back to V’s apartment for some rest before embarking on new ventures. It certainly adds a new layer to the experience and does mean V can get caught out in-the-field if forgetfully ignoring the warnings. Video two shows off some more mod madness in Night City, including some familiar faces in V’s custom Corpo Netrunner apartment, an excellent motorcycle drive from the hills into Watson.

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