Dawn of Ragnarok is still more Assassin’s Creed than God of War, but mythology buffs will be in Valhalla

Mythology in the media is having a moment, isn’t it? Whether it’s in the form of the prestigious God of War reboot on PlayStation, the god-like indie darling that is Hades, or the experimental historical-mythological hybrid that is the modern Assassin’s Creed platter, you can’t move for interpretations of deities and demons in pop culture. Even outside of gaming, you’ve got Marvel running amok with its Norse-inspired heroes, and the way that The Witcher draws on European and Scandinavian myths isn’t exactly subtle, either.
You’d think we’d be reaching a point of saturation, then – that one more interpretation of Thor, or Odin, or Loki would make your eyes roll. And yet, people can’t stop gobbling it up. Assassin’s Creed Valhalla had the biggest release week in franchise history after its marketing campaign promised Viking raids and mystical intervention. God Of War Ragnarok is firmly planted at the top of many people’s ‘most wanted’ games lists (if they’ve been low-key mischievous enough to secure themselves a PS5).
But what is it about these stories that have kept us – centuries removed from when they were first told – coming back for more?