Destiny 2 Witch Queen To Have 42 New Legendary Weapons

Destiny 2 Witch Queen is just a few weeks away from launch, and today we have received some interesting details about the weapons coming into the game. Bungie had recently announced that almost 1 million players have pre-ordered the DLC which speaks volumes about how much hype there is around the game. In a new podcast on Massive Breakdown Episodes Chris Proctor, the Weapons Feature Lead on Destiny 2 at Bungie, gives fans a better insight into what is coming in the massive DLC. In the podcast, Chris Proctor mentions that the DLC will be adding 42 new Legendary weapons, which is the biggest weapons drop we have seen since the Forsaken. While we knew for a fact that the DLC would be the biggest in the game’s history, many wouldn’t have thought that it would be adding such a large number of new weapons in the game. Bungie has been emphasizing that weapons will be playing a much more important role after the DLC, with the addition of new weapons as well as the all-new crafting feature. With the help of the newly added crafting feature, players will be able to craft their own weapons by first locating the prototypes, or patterns as Bungie calls it. After that, players will need to find items and then they will be able to craft the weapon and level it up as well. Their something called enhanced traits as well, which solely depends on the pace at which you level up the weapon. You basically need to kill as many enemies as you can and then try to level up your weapon as fast as possible. This will allow you to get a number of bonuses for your weapons. With just a few weeks to go for the DLC to release, fans surely have a lot to look forward to.