Discord Can Now Be Linked To Your PSN Account, Reveals Sony


Sony Interactive Entertainment has announced that Discord can now be linked to your PSN account, which is definitely a case of better late than never.

Why is this such a big deal? Well, Discord is pretty popular nowadays, and Xbox formats have supported the feature for a few years now, so it’s about time that PlayStation console owners got in on the action.

Here’s some of the advantages that it brings, as outlined by Sony on its official website.

Linking your account for PlayStation Network to Discord is a great way to share your gaming activity on PlayStation Network with friends. Once you link your account, you’ll be able to share the following with Discord users:

  • Your PSN online ID in your Discord profile.

  • The PlayStation games you’re playing.

  • How long you’ve been playing.

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The post Discord Can Now Be Linked To Your PSN Account, Reveals Sony appeared first on PlayStation Universe.

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