Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Super Fashion Contest Winners Announced


Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Super Fashion Contest Winners Announced

The Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Super Fashion Contest winners were revealed. People worldwide were able to use the full game or Lite Version to create an avatar look. They then submitted those to the development team to be picked. 16 were chosen. Those characters will then appear in a loading screen illustration in the near future.

Here’s the official announcement. There is also a page for the Super Fashion Contest on the Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 website going over the contest winners and showing the feedback. The two Super Fashionable Awards went to Bedhead’s Moshi design and ShadowSaiyan1’s Raxel attire. The other award categories were Avatar Design, Concept, Photo Mode, Super Cool, Super Cute, Super Gorgeous, Super Intelligence, and Super Powerful.

After giving it a lot of thought, we’re very excited to finally announce the winners of the #DBXV2 Super Fashion Contest!

Winners will receive a Loading Screen Illustration with an original design portraying their avatar!
➡️ https://t.co/QfbTaEz2rZ pic.twitter.com/L25ZXeHE3q

— Dragon Ball Games (@dragonballgames) February 1, 2022

Quite a bit is still happening for Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, even though it first debuted back in 2016. It got a Legendary Pack 2 add-on with Caulifla (Super Saiyan 2), Kale (Super Saiyan 2), Jiren (Full Power), and Gogeta (Dragon Bal Super) in November 2021. Dragon Ball: The Breakers is also set in its world.

Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 is available on the Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One, PC, and Google Stadia.

The post Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Super Fashion Contest Winners Announced appeared first on Siliconera.

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