Dying Light 2 City Alignment guide: Survivors or Peacekeepers


Dying Light 2 City Alignment Facilities Survivors Peacekeepers Faction Rewards GuideIn Dying Light 2, you’ll find infrastructure facilities that can be taken over. Once you do this, you can decide on whether they’d be assigned to the Survivors or the Peacekeepers. Each faction entails a particular reward, making exploration or combat in The City more manageable. Here’s our Dying Light 2 guide to help you with City Alignment facilities and choosing between the Survivors or Peacekeepers. Note: For more information, check out our Dying Light 2 guides and features hub.   Dying Light 2 City Alignment guide – Assign facilities to Survivors or Peacekeepers To be honest with you, I’d like to say that this guide is somewhat incomplete. Now, I’ve already cleared all the Dying Light 2 City Alignment areas and I’ve assigned them to factions. The problem is that there’s something “odd” with the mechanics involved. According to the tooltip, the more facilities are assigned to a faction, the more improvements they c…

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