Dying Light 2: Garrison Electrical Station guide (Broadcast mission)


Dying Light 2 Garrison Electrical Station Broadcast Mission GuideGarrison Electrical Station is one of the facilities that you’ll visit during Dying Light 2‘s campaign. Once inside, you’ll see a more complex puzzle involving power cables. Here’s our Dying Light 2 guide to help you with the Garrison Electrical Station puzzle in the Broadcast mission. Note: For more information, check out our Dying Light 2 guides and features hub. You can also visit our main guide for the Electrical Stations and Water Towers in the game. Lastly, please be reminded that there was a major “infinite loop” bug related to the Broadcast mission in Dying Light 2. It should be fixed in time for the game’s release. However, I would also encourage you to avoid fast traveling or exiting the game just in case.   Dying Light 2 Garrison Electrical Station puzzle guide Terminal A and B Upon entering Garrison Electrical Station in Dying Light 2, you’ll see Cable A/B that’s green (that means the cable here works for both th…

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