Dying Light 2 — GRE Anomaly and Revenant guide

You’ll find several GRE Anomalies in Dying Light 2. These are encounters that are only available at night, allowing you to do battle with a special infected known as the Revenant. These locations are also a great way to obtain Inhibitors to further boost your character. Here’s our Dying Light 2 guide to help you with GRE Anomaly encounter locations and Revenant enemies. Note: For more information, check out our Dying Light 2 guides and features hub. Dying Light 2 GRE Anomaly locations and Revenant guide As mentioned earlier, GRE Anomaly encounters in Dying Light 2 are only active when it’s nighttime (i.e., 7:30 p.m. to 7:59 a.m.). You won’t be able to find anything there, and you certainly won’t get your loot during the day. Anyway, the Revenant infected in Dying Light 2 has a few more tricks compared to its cohorts. It’s can leap great distances across the area, and it’s got a poison blob akin to the Spitter. Likewise, this encounter…