Dying Light 2: Houndfield Electrical Station guide

Houndfield Electrical Station is, technically, the first facility of its kind that you’ll encounter in Dying Light 2. It’s part of a quest called Sniper’s Alley, though you don’t actually get to visit the interior to power up the complex. Still, you can do this much later while free-roaming and after learning about the other facilities in the campaign. Here’s our Dying Light 2 guide to help you with the Houndfield Electrical Station puzzle so you can assign this facility to a faction of your choosing. Note: For more information, check out our Dying Light 2 guides and features hub. You can also visit our main guide for the Electrical Stations and Water Towers in the game. Dying Light 2 Houndfield Electrical Station puzzle guide You can revisit Houndfield Electrical Station in Dying Light 2 assuming you’ve progressed further in the campaign. Make your way to the second-floor landing to find that the windows have been smashed. You should then …