Dying Light 2 Infected Trophies: What Are They And Best Farming Strategy


In Dying Light 2, you’ll need plenty of Infected Trophies on hand in order to craft some of the game’s best mods. Really, Infected Trophies are so commonly used in crafting recipes that you’ll need to have a bunch almost no matter the items you’re trying to craft. Here’s what you need to know about these “trophies” scattered across the world of Villedor.

Dying Light 2 Infected Trophies

Infected Trophies aren’t the sort of hardware you’d hang on your mantle at home. They’re much more grotesque than that. Though it’s never quite clear precisely what they are, one gross clue is that they’re only able to be scavenged from the dead bodies of special infected. Ears? Fingers? It’s probably best we don’t know for sure.

Anyway, you’ll need plenty of these in order to upgrade items and blueprints, such as health kits, lockpicks, and throwables. Upgrading these items regularly allows Aiden’s tools to improve as he does. Even if you have great gear and plenty of HP from finding Inhibitors, a lowly base-level health kit isn’t going to save you when you’re in a bind against some tough bosses and enemies later in the game.

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