Dying Light 2 — Military Airdrops and Military Tech guide


Dying Light 2 Military Airdrops Military Tech GuideMilitary Airdrops in Dying Light 2 are scattered all over the city. Most of them are found on rooftops, oftentimes requiring you to complete a jumping puzzle to reach that spot. Here’s our Dying Light 2 guide to help you with Military Airdrops and Military Tech. Note: For more information, check out our Dying Light 2 guides and features hub.   Dying Light 2 Military Airdrops and Military Tech guide The Military Tech that you find in Dying Light 2 is a very important currency, as it’s used to upgrade Nightrunner Tools such as the Paraglider, Grappling Hook, and UV Flashlight. Of course, to grab those, we do need to reach the Military Airdrops themselves. You can then open a side panel with the GRE Key, allowing you to take the Military Tech. For our Dying Light 2 Military Airdrops guide, I’ve decided to list them based on the zones that you’ll visit during the campaign. That means there are zones that you might need to revisit later, as Aiden won’t …

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