Dying Light 2 PC is a graphics juggernaut that powers past the consoles



Dying Light 2 is a true graphics juggernaut that shines brightest on PC. Yes, it’s a cross-gen title for sure, but one where Techland’s C-Engine allows for scalability well beyond the limitations of the last-gen machines – and perhaps even their current-gen alternatives too. That’s where high-end PC hardware comes to the fore, where Dying Light 2 deploys a range of hardware accelerated ray tracing features that radically transform the game, with only a small, limited sub-set of RT features ending up in the PS5 and Series X versions. Yes, you can play this game and get a good experience on consoles but the bottom line is this: the PC version goes much, much further.

Whether you’re using an RT-enabled card or not, I’ve put together a series of optimised settings recommendations, but before we dig into this, it’s important to put the console versions into context with the PC offering. Typically, console renditions of any given game use a grab-bag of varying PC-equivalent settings across the board – the developer’s own optimised setting selection.

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