Dying Light 2 Stay Human Guide – How to Increase Max Health and Stamina

If kicking off with the end of the world didn’t clue you in, Dying Light 2 Stay Human is full of threats. Along with the Infected, which see the powerful Volatiles returning and new enemy types added, there are Renegades and other hostile NPCs to deal with. If you want to survive long enough to earn more XP, unlock additional skills and maybe see how Aiden’s quest to find his sister pans out, you’ll need more health and stamina.
It’s possible to heal using Medicine, Health Regen Boosters and Medkits, though they must be purchased, crafted or taken off of dead enemies. These can also be upgraded with blueprints to increase their effectiveness. Stamina determines how much you can climb different structures, swing weapons and so on. It’s arguably more important than health at times despite regenerating. Stamina is also needed to climb the different Windmills scattered throughout the world, which can then be used to unlock new side quests and Challenges.
There’s only one way to increase your max health and stamina – by collecting Inhibitors. These are located in abandoned GRE facilities, GRE Anomaly locations and inside GRE containers though they can also be discovered in some safes. When you collect three Inhibitors, go to the Skills menu and look for two icons at the bottom with the words “Upgrades Available.” You can choose to increase either max health or stamina.
Retrieving the Inhibitors is easier said than done in many cases. You’ll encounter GRE facilities and Anomalies while exploring the world and in some main missions. The former entails wandering through a facility teeming with Infected – it’s often a good idea to return at night since their numbers will be less. Using stealth and silently taking down each one is also recommended.
As for the GRE Anomalies, these are essentially mini-boss fights. The Anomaly itself can attack up-close and spew projectiles at range while a few other Infected may join in during the fight. There are usually Opportunity Weapons like spears that can be thrown and propane tanks that can be ignited to deal hefty amounts of damage. Once the Anomaly is defeated, you can access the container with the Inhibitor.
Again, this is only accessible during the night so take care not to trigger a chase. If you do and then try to fight the Anomaly, all of the pursuing Infected – Volatiles included – will follow you inside for a beatdown. There are 126 Inhibitors in the game which works out to 42 upgrades overall. So be careful not to allocate everything to a single stat.
Dying Light 2 Stay Human is currently available for Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, PS5, and PC. Check out our review for the game here along with tips and tricks for beginners here.