Dying Light 2 Update 1.04 Patch Notes on PC (February 8)


Dying Light 2 Patch Notes

Dying Light 2 PC players have a new update to download, which could hopefully help them get rid of the various game crashes, according to the official patch notes.

Despite some technical issues, Dying Light 2 had an acceptable launch on all platforms, and hopefully, with today’s update for the PC version, it will become even better.

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Since the game’s launch, some PC players reported odd crashing issues that would prevent them from starting a new game. While a temporary fix was announced by Techland for the issue on Steam, today a permanent fix arrived.

In addition to fixing the crashing bugs, the new PC update improves the DLSS functionality in the game. Also, you can now rebind your mouse buttons, an option that was disabled for some players due to an odd bug.

Check out the full patch notes down below:

Dying Light 2 | Stay Human Accolades Trailer

Dying Light 2 | Stay Human Accolades Trailer

Dying Light 2 Update 1.04 Patch Notes

  • Fixed various game crashing bugs
  • Fixed AI dead body replication in co-op
  • Added DLSS improvements
  • Fixed issue when players couldn’t sell valuables to vendor
  • Fixed artifacts being sometimes visible on some AMD cards
  • Fixed mouse key binding options (meaning: you should be allowed to rebind your mouse buttons, we are still working on an additional implementation for extra mouse buttons)

This update is only available on PC, but Techland reassured fans that a console update is also in the works and will soon be available.

Dying Light 2 is now available on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, and PC. The Nintendo Switch version of the game has been delayed indefinitely.

Make sure to take a look at Kyle Knight’s review of Dying Light 2, where he has praised the expansive world of the game, and its overall atmosphere.

The post Dying Light 2 Update 1.04 Patch Notes on PC (February 8) by Mehrdad Khayyat appeared first on DualShockers.

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