Dying Light 2 Update 1.05 Fixes Various Bugs Including PS5 Flickering

Techland has lifted the wraps off the Dying Light 2 update 1.05 patch notes for your viewing pleasure, which comes with a tidal wave of bug fixes, including addressing the flickering issues on the PS5 version of the game.
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- Fixed various situations when Players could be disconnected in COOP.
- Fixed numerous crashes. V Fixed various story blocks.
- Added additional video settings (including motion blur and distance blur).
- Fixed blocks resulting in player ending in a deathloop after COOP session.
- Fixed issue with player couldn’t sell valuables to vendor.
- Fixed occasional screen flickering on PS5.
- Fixed issue with music streamer mode causing one song not being muted.
- Fixed issue with Al being immortal in some rare situations while playing in COOP.
- Fixed various issues with stealth gameplay in COOP.
- Fixed various issues when Al could be blocked in geometry.
- Added various Al visual adjustments (including Al animation related problems).
- Various balance improvements.
- Fixed rare issues when peers in COOP mode were unable to see the dialog choices.
- Various performance optimizations.
- Fixed various situation that could cause infinite black screens.
- Fixes of Al dead body replication in COOP.
- Fixed inifite loadings.
- Fixed custom quest music for peers in coop session.
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