Dying Light 2 — UV Flashlight upgrades and usage guide

The UV Flashlight is one of the Nightrunner tools that you’ll receive in Dying Light 2. You’ll have access to it during a mission called Welcome On Board. Here’s our Dying Light 2 guide to help you with the UV Flashlight upgrades and how you can use this gadget effectively. Note: We’ll have a Dying Light 2 guides and features hub soon, so stay tuned. Dying Light 2 UV Flashlight upgrades guide As mentioned earlier, the UV Flashlight is handed to you after having a chat with NPCs during Dying Light 2‘s Welcome On Board mission. Similar to the Grappling Hook, you need to equip this by looking at your Accessories tab. Then, press “1” to cycle through your tools, and press the middle mouse button to use it. The UV Flashlight, as the name implies, uses ultraviolet light to stun and damage the undead. This is particularly useful in interior spaces or during nighttime chases. However, this gadget’s battery gets drained rather quickly. …