Dynasty Warriors 9: Empires — Is it worth it?

After Dynasty Warriors 9 massively angered the fanbase, it was probably not the best idea to press forward with Dynasty Warriors 9: Empires. The wait between DW 8 and its Empires release was about a year and a half, but, astoundingly, Dynasty Warriors 9: Empires comes four whole years after its base game. With that amount of time, you’d hope Omega Force would have done something different or more ambitious while making good use of the much-maligned DW 9‘s open world. That open world is indeed present in the install, but almost pointlessly so, as absolutely nothing new has been done with it. But the question stands: is Dynasty Warriors 9: Empires worth it, or is it too late to right this ship? Dynasty Warriors 9: Empires places you campaigns based around certain timeframes in the story. You can design your own character with the character creator, or pick one known in the series. Then you jump into the month-by-month minutiae of time management and conquest. You can try t…