Elden Ring Ashes of War locations


Elden Ring Ashes of War locations

Want to know the locations of every Ashes of War in Elden Ring? Players can customise their weapons and shields using Ashes of War, a special item that imbues armaments with unique abilities. All armaments have their own weapon arts, however, you can switch these abilities out for something different. The Ashes of War also change the properties of your armaments, allowing you to use almost any weapon with your chosen build.

It appears you can farm the Ashes of War to imbue multiple armaments with the same effect. Don’t worry if you’re struggling to find more, you can always remove Ashes of War from any piece of equipment for free. It’s important to experiment with these abilities as they can make a huge difference in creating a powerful build.

The locations of the Ashes of War are fixed on the map, making it easy to create a strong build capable of defeating all of the Elden Ring bosses.. Here’s everything you need to know about Ashes of War, including where you can find them and what they do.

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