Elden Ring uses same anti-cheat as Fortnite on PC

Elden Ring will use Easy Anti-Cheat on PC to combat online hackers, according to the games EULA. The news follows a recent Dark Souls 3 PvP security exploit that prompted Bandai Namco to temporarily disable multiplayer servers across the entire Souls trilogy.
Spotted by hzy980512 on Reddit, the EULA now lists the anti-cheat solution under its “third-party software”, and says “EAC will monitor the Hardware, analyze the Game binaries and scan Hardware memory for the purpose of detecting and preventing cheating in the Game.” Naturally, this means the software will boot up in tangent with Fromsoftware’s latest RPG on gaming PCs, whether you like it or not.
Developed by Epic Games, Easy Anti-Cheat is included with many of the best PC games, including Fortnite and Apex Legends. Elden Ring will be the first Soulsborne game to use anti-cheat software of any kind, the likes of Dark Souls 3 relies on a mod called Blue Sentinel to detect online hackers.
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