Elder Scrolls Online High Isle Expansion Announced


The post Elder Scrolls Online High Isle Expansion Announced appeared first on Fextralife.

Elder Scrolls Online High Isle Chapter Announced

Zenimax revealed during their livestream today the next chapter for the MMORPG Elder Scrolls Online is the High Isle, following the Legacy of the Bretons, the year-long content.

Elder Scrolls Online High Isle Expansion Announced

The next adventure for Elder Scrolls Online players will be heading to the High Isle, as Zenimax reveals today the year-long content will focus on the Legacy of the Bretons. Each year, ESO gets a theme of content, and this year as previously teased will follow the Breton race, which will get a deep dive into their story.

The new cinematic previews the trio of characters encountering a Breton, who casts medallions on a table, one with a ship. While it doesn’t give too much away, it does get you hyped for the next chapter.

According to an interview with MMORPG.com and lead ESO writer Bill Slaviscek, the chapter will involve the Three Banners War, and The Ascendant Order. The order is described as group of “rogue knights”, while their identity is not known, they want to stop the Three Banners War. While it all sounds noble, Slaviscek shares “The problem comes from their methods for doing that”.

Legacy of the Breton

Also announced today is the following content heading up 2022, the first DLC The Elder Scrolls Online: Ascending Tide.

Release dates:

  • Ascending Tide DLC will release on March 14th for PC/Mac and Stadia, with consoles on March 29th for Xbox and Playstation.
  • High Isle Chapter will release on June 6th for PC/Mac and Stadia, with consoles on June 21st for Xbox and Playstation.
  • An unannounced Q4 DLC dungeon pack (date TBA)
  • An unannounced Q4 DLC story zone (date TBA)

With the year content outlined let’s head into what the High Isle will be about plus new features.

ESO High Isle

High Isle will explore the trials and tribulations of the Breton, adding new zone, new story, world events and more!

Elder Scrolls Online: High Isle

What can you expect for the next chapter? The expansion will hold 30 hours of unique story content about the home of the Breton’s as well concentrating on their noble chivalric society which is on the “brink of war”.

As well as a new zone to explore, High Isle will also introduce new systems such as the Tales of Tribute, an in-game collectible card game. The expansion will introduce two new companions called Ember and Isobel, adding to the two companions previously released with Blackwood, making four total. There are new World Events called Fissures, delves, public dungeons, World Bosses and side quests to explore.

ESO High Isle New Companions

New companions a Khajiit called Ember and a Breton called Ember will join in High Isle

Features of High Isle:

  • A new zone that showcases the islands of High Isle and Amenos
  • A complex main storyline of politics, honor, and intrigue that ties into the Legacy of the Bretons year-long saga
  • A new system called Tales of Tribute, an in-game collectible card game
  • A new 12-player Trial named Dreadsail Reef
  • Two new Companions, Ember and Isobel, who can join your adventures
  • New World Events called Fissures
  • New Delves, Public Dungeons, World Bosses, and a host of unique stand-alone quests
  • Updates and quality of life improvements

A new foes lies in wait, but what does he want?

Tales of Tribute

A new feature joining ESO is the mini in-game card game called Tales of Tribute. The game is said to be invented on the High Isle, and involves players resource building which can be played against other players and characters in the world. There will be ranked matches as well against players.

It’s interesting that ESO has decided to include a mini-game with collectible cards. Previously we’ve had standalone Elder Scrolls Legends, but it’s great we’re getting something in-game, giving you more to do between questing and other content. It sounds like something you would encounter the Witcher 3 with GWENT or even MMORPGs such as Final Fantasy XIV with Triple Triad.

ESO Tales of Tribute

Tales of Tribute in-game card game

Other Additions Coming with Update 33

Quality of Life Improvements

Briefly covered in the live stream was the introduction of account-wide achievements coming to the game. An achievement gained on the one character will be available on your other characters as well. Players will need to log into all characters to get these achievements across them. For PS4 and PS5 players, trophy sync will also be coming to the game.

Deconstruction Assistant

A new assistant called Giladil the Ragpicker was announced to be coming with Update 33 who will allow you to deconstruct your gear. Previously it was only possible to visit one of the crafting tables to decon your gear, but with the assistant you can conveniently whip them out just as you would the banker or merchant. As per usual this will be a Crown Store item. If you want to try this out, the PTS will be going up on Monday.

Multi-Player Mount

Previously multi-player mounts were being tested to join the game, however they were not released due to needing further testing. The devs announced during the stream they will be coming and an additional mount has been worked on, meaning you and a friend or you and a companion can mount up together.

This will be extra useful for adventuring with a friend, or even showing the ropes of where things are in ESO.


Purchasing the chapter early will gain you a number of goodies including a new Palefrost mount and pet which you will have immediate access to in the game. If you want any of these rewards be sure to purchase before April 4th:

  • Abecean Privateer’s Apparel costume
  • Knights of the Flame Pup pet
  • 1× Dark Chivalry Crate
  • 3× High Isle Treasure Maps
  • 2× Experience Scrolls, granting double XP
Elder Scrolls Online High Isle Pre Order Bonus

Pre-order bonuses for High Isle are available until April 4th.

The editions for High Isle include: The Elder Scrolls Online Collection: High Isle, The Elder Scrolls Online Collection: High Isle Colletor’s Edition, The Elder Scrolls Online: High Isle Upgrade, and The Elder Scrolls Online: High Isle Upgrade Collector’s Edition. The upgrade editions are for those who already own the base game for ESO, while newer players who want the newest content and previous chapters can pick up the collection.

High Isle The Collector’s Edition

The High Isle Colletor’s Editions include some more bonuses and won’t be available until the expansion launches:

  • Amenos Ornaug mount
  • Balfiera Senche Cub pet
  • Ascendant Knight Outfit Style
  • Hoard of the Schemers memento
  • High Isle emote pack

Elder Scrolls Online High Isle Collectors Edition

The Elder Scrolls Online High Isle will launch on June 6th for PC and Stadia, with Playstation and Xbox consoles on June 21st. The DLC Ascending Tide will release on March 14th for PC and Stadia, with Playstation and Xbox consoles on March 29th.

For more Elder Scrolls Online check out next Elder Scrolls Online Daedric War Celebration Event Starts January 20th. For our latest guides check out ESO Mythic Items Guide: How To Get Them All and ESO Beginner Guide 2022: Everything You Need To Know.

The post Elder Scrolls Online High Isle Expansion Announced appeared first on Fextralife.

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