Evil Dead: The Game has been delayed once more, sets its sights on a release date in May


Evil Dead The Game Delayed Release Date MayFans won’t be saying hello to Mr. Fancy Pants anytime soon, as Evil Dead: The Game has been delayed again, this time set for a release in May. The multiplayer game based on the famous franchise was was scheduled for a launch in February. And that when the game was delayed last time. Now, you won’t be blasting Deadites until the game releases on May 13 — which, as it should come as no surprise, is a Friday. The Evil Dead team announced the delay late last week via Twitter. In a message, the team wrote that it wants to create a “game worthy of the Evil Dead franchise.” Of course, that means it must be “groovy as hell.” Only slightly groovy would be unacceptable. For the most part, the team explained that the delay will allow them more time for polish. Following up, there will be a new trailer in February.   “This delay gives our team the time they need to get things just right, so your boomstick will be polished, fully loaded, and r…

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