Evil Dead: The Game pre-order trailer shows off Dark Ones, confirms EGS exclusivity


Evil Dead pre-orderIt has been a good past few months for horror fans. Scream 5 was a worthy successor to the franchise, the new Leatherface series looks promising, and there’s even a Texas Chainsaw Massacre game coming soon. Heading all this off is the upcoming Evil Dead: The Game, which recently got delayed to May. Despite that, a new trailer dropped today. It was brief, but shows off the game in action, some bonuses, and confirms that Evil Dead: The Game is an Epic Games Store exclusive.   The trailer kicks off with an appropriately cheesy voice over to really key in the drive-in theater, B-horror vibes of the series. We finally get to see Cheryl Williams, Ash’s sister, in motion, as well as our first look at the Dark Ones from the series Ash vs Evil Dead. After the title card, we see young Ash from Evil Dead 2 from just the back, about to take on a group of Deadites. We then get to see two of the pre-order bonuses for Evil Dead: The Game. Both are costumes from Army of Darkness. The first is …

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