FFVII Remake Aerith Concept Art Hones in on the Details


FFVII Remake Aerith Concept Art Hones in on the Details

Square Enix released FFVII Remake concept art that highlights one of the dresses Aerith can wear in Chapter 8. Specifically, the concept art reveals that the pink dress Aerith can wear has flower details. The flower pattern is reminiscent of the yellow flowers that grow in the church.

Aerith’s dress features several flower details. One of these details is on the collar of the dress. Looking closely, you can also see the embroidered yellow flower details run along the body of the dress. The outfit shown is one of three dresses Aerith can wear in Chapter 8.

You can take a look at the concept art of Aerith’s dress below.

In addition, Square Enix showed concept art of Aerith’s house and room as it appears in FFVII Remake. It included a comparison picture of how the house looked in the original release of Final Fantasy VII too.

The concept art for Aerith’s house features a complete look at her bedroom, her mother’s room, and the roof. While the concept art isn’t as detailed as the dress, it provides the viewer with a glimpse of some of the design elements that went into each room. For example, Aerith’s room is slightly more furnished than her mother’s room.

You can look at the concept art of the Gainsborough house below.

Final Fantasy VII Remake is available for the PS4. FFVII Remake Intergrade is available for the PS5 and PC.

The post FFVII Remake Aerith Concept Art Hones in on the Details appeared first on Siliconera.

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