FFXIV Female Hrothgar Development Progressing, But Will Take Time

During a Final Fantasy XIV Letter from the Producer Live broadcast, Producer Naoki Yoshida addressed the ongoing development of the female Hrothgar. And while there’s no exact timetable for when players will be able to play a female Hrothgar in FFXIV, he said that the team has made some progress. As it stands, the art team has drawn a plethora of concepts, and two have been selected. However, Yoshida stated that it will be some time before the female Hrothgar will be playable in FFXIV.
Additionally, Yoshida reminded viewers that he had initially stated that the female Viera and male Hrothgar were intended to be the final races added into Final Fantasy XIV. He stated that the female Hrothgar is the final race he would like to do.
Square Enix also shared other information during the Letter from the Producer Live. This included information on a major graphics update that will appear sometime during Patch 7.0. Yoshida also confirmed that the team has no plans to drop PlayStation 4 support. He guaranteed support through the 7.0 expansion. Additionally, there will be some updates coming to the Trust system. Through Patch 6.1, players will be able to utilize the Trust system in A Realm Reborn duties.
Final Fantasy XIVÂ is available for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and PC.
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